user inputs name and presses 'register'
normally, js would 'ping' the server with the username, and receive a challenge. ( also verifying that the username is available ) however, i'm hardcoding the challenge in this proof-of-concept. 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
// // // // var u8a = new Uint8Array( 16 ); crypto.getRandomValues( u8a ); console.log( u8a ); var challenge = [ 98, 47, 153, 237, 143, 250, 156, 209, 26, 151, 122, 91, 66, 48, 3, 11, ]; //// var assertionRequest = await navigator.credentials.create( { } ); navigator.credentials.create({ publicKey: { rp: { id: '', name: 'dirt and rocks', } user: { // id: 327, // what is this for... name: displayName: } challenge: challenge, pubKeyCredParams: [ { type: 'public-key', alg: -7, }, // { // type: 'public-key', // alg: // }, ] timeout: excludeCredentials: [ { type: 'public-key', id: transports: [ USB NFC BLE INTERNAL ] } ] authenticatorSelection: { authenticatorAttachment: residentKey: requireResidentKey userVerification: } attestation: } extensions: { credProps credentialProtectionPolicy: enforceCredentialProtectionPolicy minPinLength uvm } });
todo: finish copying from ...